Earlier this year a Conservation Officer brought ACA this gorgeous juvenile Bald Eagle that he found on the ground, near power lines, and unable to fly
Upon examination, no wounds were found, but we still believe that the bird had been stunned by electric shock.
Thanks to Patti Reynolds and Laura Edmunds of the Indiana Raptor Center for their guidance about medication, fluid therapy, etc. for the Eagle, as we don’t get the chance to care for them often!
Patti and Laura offered to let the bird recover at their facility in Brown County until he’s strong enough to be released. When that day comes, the Eagle will come home to be released in Union County where he was found!
In November 2019, we held our Meetah Cheetah fundraiser with speaker Brian Badger of the Columbus Zoo.
Thank you to all our event sponsors, without whom the evening could not have been possible.
Animal Care Alliance was honored to be nominated for the Community Improvement Award. While we didn't win the award, we are so proud of our new clinic and appreciate the recognition of our hard work.
Clear Creek Park in Richmond won the award this year, and we were excited to partner with them for a "Rockin' Wildlife" program.
Thank you again to our community for supporting us.
Animal Care Alliance partners with Petco Love Lost to make reuniting lost pets easier and free using image recognition technology to search a national database.